4 sure-fire ways to reduce stress leading up to your wedding

Welp - can you believe we’re here? Planning your wedding.

It may feel surreal or maybe like it’s looooooong overdue. Either way - one thing’s for sure - wedding planning is something that can definitely leave you feeling overwhelmed and full of anxiety...IF...you don’t do it right. 

Planning a wedding has the horrible stigma of being  “stressful AF” but it really doesn’t have to be like that.  In fact...it really should be one of the most fun + exciting times of your life. 

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And...it honestly can be if you set yourself up for success from the beginning. But don’t take our word for it...try these tips for yourself and let us know how it goes. 

The reality is some couples decide to hire a professional to help manage their wedding plans but there are definitely a good amount of folks out there that decide to take on the wedding planning journey by themselves. 


Maybe you’re working with a tight wedding planning budget or maybe you just really love love love all of the DIY possibilities—either way, it's a lot of extra details, but it is possible to plan the wedding of your dreams on your own.

If this is you - let’s start by saying “we totally understand” so we wrote this with you in mind so you can get through it with all your relationships intact (no bridezilla over here - thank you very much) and all your hair intact, as well.  

Tip #1 

Do not overshare


EVERYONE is going to have an opinion about everything. Don’t overshare if you don’t want opinions or if that stresses you out. Check in with yourself every once in a while to make sure you’re doing things you like + want to do and that you’re not doing things to please anyone other than yourself and your other half. If you share every detail people will feel like they can give their opinion and often times - this makes things harder instead of easier. Only share things that are open for discussion and only if you’re open to feedback. Save yourself the stress of explaining why you are/are not doing something. 

Tip #2

Go wedding dress shopping - ALONE - the first time 


Most people don’t know they can (A) try on dresses at the same place multiple times (B) try on dresses by themselves. But yes. You can do both and I totally suggest going to try dresses on by yourself first and then adding bridesmaids or family later when you’ve decided what type/style of dress you actually like. Dresses surprisingly look different on your body than what you’d expect so even if you think you know what you like - most of the time, once you try a few different styles on you get a good feel for what you like in real life vs in a magazine. 

Tip #3 

Wedding affirmations 

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We have affirmations for everything else - so wedding affirmations really just make sense! These keep what’s most important at the forefront of your mind and help keep you centered throughout all the chaos that may pop up throughout planning. If you really get flustered easily - using these wedding affirmations will be a game-changer. They’re specifically created to keep you grounded and calm you down. Take ten minutes to stop and re-focus using these affirmations when you’re starting to feel yourself slip into “bridezilla” land.  

Tip #4 

Plan. And stick to the plan. 


This, of course, is one of those “ easier said than done” things but it’s the only way to keep stress at bay. Sticking to the plan will help you check things off the list and keep moving. If the problem is the plan and trying to figure it out on your own, try using a site like The Curated Wedding Membership site. It was created for all those couples out there who are doing it on their own but realize they don’t want to leave the most important day of their lives completely up to chance. Especially, if you’ve never done this before! This site puts everything into easy, bite-sized sections so it’s stupid-proof and stress-free. And best of all - let’s you enjoy the process along the way. What could be better?!?!


Hope this was helpful. Let us know if there’s anything else we can help with or answer. 

Congrats on the engagement, and, as always - Happy Planning! 

Visit our website: https://www.thecuratedwedding.com/

Chavah Grant